Seeing the world with four eyes

Glasses can signify a number of things. Intellectualism, geekiness, extra vulnerability to being punched in the face, and - last of all - poor eyesight.
As the proud owner of a pair of spiffy spectacles for about a week now, I offer the pros and cons of this wonderful piece of technology.

  • Being able to read the newspaper over someone's shoulder on the train without leaning forward and looking totally suspicious.
  • Having people (rightly or wrongly) believe I'm intelligent.
  • Being able to see bus route numbers from halfway down the street, not when they're so close that I barely have time to signal the driver.
  • Being told I look like Liz Lemon.

  • Needing to take them on and off depending on how far away the desired object of looking is.
  • Needing to clean them. 
  • Having yet another daily item to accidentally leave at home.
  • Not being able to wear my sunglasses at the same time.

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